Connectional ministries of the A.M.E. Church

The African Methodist Episcopal Church is a global institution and operates on several continents throughout the world.  Our ministry connectedness allows us to mirror the work we do in several areas across the entire body of our Church.  Below are a few of our key connectional ministries.  

connectional ministries

Lay organization

Founder & CEO
Today, the organized lay movement in the African Methodist Episcopal Church operates as a vital force for good because it is free, independent and unmotivated by any desire, motive or purpose other than the general welfare of African Methodism. We find Episcopal District Lay Organizations organized in every Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Continental United States from the first Episcopal District down through and including the Thirteenth Episcopal District.

women's missionary Society

Co-Founder & CFO
As women called to discipleship to grow in knowledge and experience of God through Jesus Christ, committed to support the mission of the church, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are challenged to help one another engage in ministry and action, and grow and respond in faith to God's redemptive plan for the church, the society and the world.

Young people's division

Head of Product
The YPD under the leadership of the Women's Missionary Society provides meaningful youth training programs and opportunities for leadership experience in all areas of church life. By providing training in Evangelism, Christian Social Relations, and Education programs the YPD is designed to connect youth more fully to the mission of the church and increase knowledge of the African Methodist Episcopal Church history and the scriptures.


Token Hipster
Our mission is to reach far and wide to bring men to Christ, organize and train men for the work of the ministry, teach the history of our church and share our faith in the context of our daily lives.  Our goal is to work where, when and how God wants us to work.